Mataquescuintla, Guatemala
Plusieurs producteurs
Pache, San Ramon, Catuai
Chocolat noir, noisettes, cassis
Discover the story: Colis Resistencia
Discover the story: Colis Resistencia
Cafe Colis Resistencia is a project that we have supported for 5 years through the wonderful coffee produced by Miguel Rodriguez. This year, with the aim of increasing our impact with this project, we have also chosen to present a community lot representing 7 producers from this region.
Since 2015, it is under the name Cafe Colis Resistencia that the Xinca community has mobilized to fight against a silver mining project led by a Canadian company. The mineral extraction megaproject, which is supported by the country's authorities, inexorably threatens the natural habitat of these communities, as well as their coffee plantations, despite any democratic process. The determination of the Café Colis Resistencia group allowed them to win important battles in their fight against this devastating project, which is now at a standstill. By offering you this coffee, the importation of which was once again made possible thanks to our partner Semilla Coffee, we affirm our desire to support this project and the fight it defends, while offering you the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful coffee.
Cultivated at an altitude of around 1800 meters, this coffee is composed of the Pache, San Ramon and Catuai varieties. It is picked when fully ripe and sorted by floating first, then by hand, in order to remove overripe or underripe cherries. It is then pulped mechanically, then fermented dry for 24 to 36 hours, before being spread out on a patio for 14 days for slow and even drying. Very round and sweet, it drinks particularly well as an espresso.
Information sur l'origine
Cafe Colis Resistencia is a project that we have supported for 5 years through the wonderful coffee produced by Miguel Rodriguez. This year, with the aim of increasing our impact with this project, we have also chosen to present a community lot representing 7 producers from this region.
Since 2015, it is under the name Cafe Colis Resistencia that the Xinca community has mobilized to fight against a silver mining project led by a Canadian company. The mineral extraction megaproject, which is supported by the country's authorities, inexorably threatens the natural habitat of these communities, as well as their coffee plantations, despite any democratic process. The determination of the Café Colis Resistencia group allowed them to win important battles in their fight against this devastating project, which is now at a standstill. By offering you this coffee, the importation of which was once again made possible thanks to our partner Semilla Coffee, we affirm our desire to support this project and the fight it defends, while offering you the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful coffee.
Cultivated at an altitude of around 1800 meters, this coffee is composed of the Pache, San Ramon and Catuai varieties. It is picked when fully ripe and sorted by floating first, then by hand, in order to remove overripe or underripe cherries. It is then pulped mechanically, then fermented dry for 24 to 36 hours, before being spread out on a patio for 14 days for slow and even drying. Very round and sweet, it drinks particularly well as an espresso.
Technical information
Price paid at origin (FOB)
Batch Size
Batch Quality