Collection: Gamme épicerie

Gamme épicerie
  • Saison ~ Mélange Espresso

    Saison ~ Mélange Espresso


    Inspired by Italian tradition, Saison is our dark roast blend, specially designed for espresso. Throughout the year, we carefully select lots with the potential to offer an authentic and warm experience at home. Easy to extract, the Saison allows you to enjoy a delicious cup, with or without milk, and above all without hassle. We give Saison the same attention and the same demands for quality and sustainability as all our coffees. The lots that make up the Saison are chosen while respecting the seasonality of the coffee harvests, purchase prices several times higher than market prices, and the principles of transparency that govern all of our purchases. 

    Saison is a blend of two coffees, from Brazil and Guatemala. These coffees are grown at an altitude of 1000 meters (Brazil) and 1400 meters (Guatemala). They are picked at full maturity and sorted by floating first, then by hand, in order to remove overripe or underripe cherries. They are then pulped mechanically, then fermented dry for 24 to 36 hours, before being spread out on the patio for 7 to 10 days for slow and even drying. With its classic profile and dark roast, Saison offers a comforting cup, all year round.

    This classic coffee tastes of caramel and chocolate, with a syrupy texture particularly suited to espresso and lattes.


  • El Camino ~ Micro-batch from South America LNVC

    El Camino ~ Micro-batch from South America LNVC

    Pays Brazil
    Region Spirit
    Farm Several producers
    Altitude 1000 M
    Method Wash
    Notes Cocoa, vanilla, molasses.


    After several months of waiting, we finally found one of our favorite coffees, Espirito Santo. Last year, this sweet and indulgent coffee was the favorite of all espresso lovers at home. We therefore did not hesitate for a moment before selecting this batch from the last harvest. Always so versatile and easy to extract at home, we are very happy to find Espirito Santo on our menu.

    This lot is the result of pooling the harvests of three producers from the Afonso Claudio region, in the center of the province of Espirito Santo. Altamiro Lüdke, Anilar Simer de Vargas and Dalmo Ruchdeschel, who traditionally produce robusta (called conilon in Brazil), started growing arabica varieties several years ago in order to reach a higher quality market and higher prices . Once the post-harvest process is completed, the three producers of this batch sell their coffee in the form of parchment (the last protective layer of the coffee) to the Coopeavi cooperative which takes care of removing the parchment before carrying out a final sorting and preparing the coffee for export. Coopeavi then sells the coffee to our import partner Osito Coffee who takes care of its transport and storage in North America.

    The Espirito Santo is picked by hand at full maturity, at an altitude of 1000m, between July and December. It is then rigorously sorted in order to remove the cherries that are too ripe or not ripe enough, before being immersed in water basins for 24 to 72 hours to remove its pulp. Then, it is stretched out on raised beds and regularly turned over to ensure uniform and adequate drying. This lot is made up of different varieties typical of the region such as Catuaì, Catucaì, Obata and Mundo Novo. Syrupy and sweet, its more classic roast makes Espirito Santo a perfect choice for espresso.

    This very sweet and syrupy coffee tastes of cocoa and vanilla, with a texture reminiscent of molasses.


  • Kebele ~ Micro-batch from Africa LNVC

    Kebele ~ Micro-batch from Africa LNVC


    For the third year in a row, we are returning to one of our favorite cafes, Bookkisa. This coffee comes from the hamlet of Bookkisa in the Guji highlands region of southern Ethiopia. Largely covered by vast expanses of forest, Guji is one of the twenty zones constituting the administrative region of Oromia which, with its 30 million inhabitants, is the most populated of the 9 regions of the country. The ancestral forests of Guji, its volcanic soil rich in silt and clay, but also its temperate climate and its high altitude, have in recent years made the reputation of certain woreda (district) such as Uraga, Kercha and Shakiso. However, the success of this terroir would not have been possible without the know-how and work of local producers. This lot is the result of the work of 33 farmers whose “garden” plantations rarely exceed 2.5 hectares. In this type of farm, coffee plants are scattered around the main house, under a semi-forest canopy alongside other types of so-called subsistence crops (vegetables, corn, etc.). Once the coffee cherries are harvested, they are transported on foot to the washing station located in the kebele (village) of Dambi Uddo to be sold. This step is usually done in the middle of the night to prevent the cherries from being overexposed to the sun. 

    Once delivered to the Dambi Uddo washing station, owner Ture Waji and his team take over to transform the cherries into green coffee beans ready for shipment. In 2008, Ture Waji, nicknamed the “King of Guji”, took advantage of the liberalization of the coffee export market in Ethiopia to found the company Sookoo Coffee. It is through her that he operates his two washing stations (Dambi Uddo and Raro Nansebo) and his export license which allows him to transport his coffee to the capital Addis Ababa first, then to the port of Djibouti. Next. Ture has been involved in his community for over 10 years, having previously worked for Mormora Coffee and Guji Highlands Coffee. Since the creation of Sookoo Coffee in 2018, this involvement has resulted in the construction of a school and several roads, and in micro-credits granted to producers, allowing them to finance certain tasks preceding the harvest and thus somewhat lightening the burden on households. Between harvests, Waji provides agricultural training for community members, while its two washing stations adhere to a strict “Women First” policy aimed at promoting women's empowerment by ensuring they have access to a wage stable. The Café Pista team feels extremely privileged to be able to work in the wake of the producers of Bookkisa and Ture Waji, and to be able to share the fruit of their passionate work with our own community. This relationship with Ture Waji was once again made possible thanks to our import partner Osito Coffee.

    Bookkisa is hand-picked at full maturity, at an altitude of 2175m, between the months of November and February. It is then rigorously sorted in order to remove overripe or underripe cherries, before spreading those that remain on higher beds. On these beds, the cherries form a carpet of a maximum thickness of 4 cm and are turned 6 times a day to optimize air circulation. They are thus dried in the sun for a period of 21 to 28 days before being pulped mechanically. Bookkisa consists of varieties 74110 (Gibirinna) and 74112 (Serto). These two varieties were selected by JARC (Jimma Agricultural Research Center) in 1979 for their resistance to certain diseases, as well as for their high sensory potential. 

    This very sweet and round coffee tastes of mango and pineapple, with a finish reminding us of blueberry jam.

  • Fin Soda : Cascara-Argousier

    Fin Soda : Cascara-Argousier

    Sold out
    Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter notre dernière création en collaboration avec Fin Soda : un soda artisanal mêlant les saveurs uniques du Cascara et de l'Argousier!

    Mais qu'est-ce que le Cascara ? Le Cascara, souvent appelé « thé de café », est fait à partir de la peau séchée des baies de café. Ce super-aliment, peu connu, offre une saveur riche et fruitée, avec des notes délicatement douces-amères.

    Dans notre quête de saveurs authentiques, nous avons également ajouté des fleurs de café et des fraises du Québec. Chaque ingrédient est soigneusement sélectionné pour sa qualité et son goût exceptionnel.

    Conçu de manière artisanale, ce soda est une excellente alternative sans alcool aux cocktails classiques des fêtes. Parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à savourer quelque chose de spécial sans alcool. Et pour ceux qui aiment un peu plus de piquant à leurs soirées, n'hésitez pas à ajouter une touche de gin québécois pour transformer ce soda rafraîchissant en un cocktail inoubliable. 🍹

Pourqoui Choisir Pista

Chez Pista, nous travaillons direcementa avec les fermes et avex quelques importateurs soigneusement sélectionés. Cela nous permet d'avoir des transactions significatives et transparentes. Notre vision est de créer des relations solides et durables. Nous travaillons dans ce but pour apporter de la stabilité et du soutien à nos partenaires producteurs. C'est pourqoui, année après année, vous retrouvez les mêmes origines sur not étagères. C'est un engagement de notre part de s'apporivisionner auprès de mêmes communautés afin de pouvoir grandir ensemble.

<< Il y a une personne et une histoire derrière chaque café, nous nous assurons de bien vous la raconter! >>

  • coffee cherries icon
    TRANSPARENCE Notre engagement envers la transparence des prix d'achat et la traçabilité des grains reflète notre volonté de soutenir les producteurs, de garantir la qualité de nos cafés et de favoriser la durabilité de l'industrie caféière. C’est pourquoi, pour chaque café, vous pouvez retracer jusqu’à la ferme la provenance des grains ainsi que leur parcours jusqu’à votre tasse, vous assurant un produit payé au prix juste.
  • QUALITÉ Tous nos grains sont sélectionnés avec grand soin et suivent un parcours de sélection rigoureux. À chaque saison, nous recevons des échantillons de lots d’exception de nos partenaires producteurs. Ces cafés sont dégustés à l’aveugle par l’équipe de torréfaction et choisis pour leurs qualités gustatives, leur provenance, les gens et les projets qui s’y rattachent. Il est donc facile de dire que ces cafés sont des coups de cœur de l’équipe !
  • coffee shop icon
    COMMUNAUTÉ Au-delà de la tasse, de son goût et des baristas, il y une communauté à l’origine à qui l’on doit notre café. Ces «micros» producteurs, propriétaires de seulement quelques hectares de terre, sont responsables de plus de 85% des cafés qui sont produits dans le monde. Nos cafés, par le biais de projets innovateurs, encouragent et supportent davantage l’indépendance financière de nos partenaires à la ferme.

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